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Galaxy Zoo and the new dawn of citizen science

"Galaxy Zoo has enabled hundreds of thousands of amateur astronomers to map the obscure corners of the universe since 2007. Tim Adams meets some of them and discovers that Charles Darwin once relied on similar crowd-sourcing...

Category: Space


Galaxy Zoo and the new dawn of citizen science

"It has enabled hundreds of thousands of amateur astronomers to map the obscure corners of the universe since 2007. Tim Adams meets some of them"

Category: Space


'Dash for gas' plans anger campaigners

"New government rules for building gas-fired power stations leads to fears over carbon-cutting targets and energy price hikes"

Category: Energy sources


Use nuclear waste to power UK, says top scientist

"Global supplies of uranium will begin to run out in 2023 when UK will rely on domestic nuclear supply, predicts Sir David King"


Met Office: Arctic sea-ice loss linked to colder, drier UK winters

"Decreasing amounts of ice in the far north is contributing to colder winters and drought, chief scientist Julia Slingo tells MPs"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 306 to 310 out of 2977